Sparky (newsparky) wrote,


Martin Gore (Depeche Mode): It was very unfortunate that we had to cancel our show in Kiev, Ukraine. It was due to take place a few days after government snipers killed dozens of protesters, and just after President Viktor Yanukovych fled the capital. Nobody knew at that time what was going to happen. In fact, we still don’t. Russia has now annexed Crimea and it could go on to occupy more of the Ukraine. It is a complicated situation because although there are many pro-European Union supporters in the country, there are also many pro-Russian supporters, especially in Crimea.

I am not a political analyst. I don’t know what is going to happen. Let’s hope (Russian President Vladimir) Putin stays out of the rest of the Ukraine. He holds more cards in his hand than the West [does] so I am not sure how much effect the sanctions imposed will have on Russia.

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